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I have a Hotohori story to share! (Wed May 23 05:22:03 2001 )

Hehehe, was bidding on a cel on Ebay and was not 
going to go passed $350 for it, then was 
outbided. But what happens? Was roaming some 
pages of personal galleries and someone had a 
great side profile of Hotohori for sale from the 
TV, big beautiful bright eye open, and part of 
his gown or royal robes showing for far less~say 
under $90! I didn't think I'd get it, but I did! 
I was so happy because I was outbid on the other 
one and could get the one I got instead! Small 
image added to my page. *sheepish grin* There is 
always another cel waiting even if you back off 
an auction. *sigh* I'm just still waiting for my 
Kouji cel to pop up. Rats! BTW...yes, said it 
before, anyone got any Kouji FY cels they want to 
trade or sell to me?? *big bright eyes*

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