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Cels and other stuff on auction :D - Tenchi OAV, Trigun, El Hazard OAV1, DNA^2, and sub tapes, DVD (Fri May 25 01:03:49 2001
Hello all
I've put up a handful of cels on auction:
2 Washus from Tenchi Muyo OAV
1 Ifurita from El Hazard first OAV
1 Vash from Trigun
1 adult Junta with background and timesheet from
I am also auctioning my *subtitled* VHS tapes of
El Hazard OAV1, Rhea Gall Force, Yotoden OAV,
Kiki's Delivery Service Collector's Edition, and
the Ranma OAV DVD boxset (these have Buy prices).
Message thread :
- Cels and other stuff on auction :D - Tenchi OAV, Trigun, El Hazard OAV1, DNA^2, and sub tapes, DVD - oion. (May 25 01:03)