Gawd, I feel for ya! Cel collecting is actually
something I truly love as I've never collected
anything before (seriously anyways), but darn it,
it hurts to get beat outta nice cels!! Itai!! >_<
I'm so sorry things aren't going your way! I get
so worked up over auctions myself, and since I'm
willing to go all out for something I *really*
want makes it worse to lose it! I hope you find a
shirtless Spike someday!! *crosses her fingers
for you*
Suddenly, it seems my luck with snagging nice
cels went dry, too. =( Or if I snagged them, they
get lost in the mail (see Olba thread above...
=P). Jeesh!! And it was funny in a morbidly
depressing way to see this topic here because I
was *just* now outbid on a cel at ebay. What made
it worse was I was bidding on it for my sister,
who is at work. It was a *gorgeous* close up of
Ken from "Weiss Kreuz", and it's so hard to find
Ken-kun cels that look nice!!
Man... *whines* I was watching that auction all
day for her... when it got down to the wire, I
was hitting refresh every bloody second, counting
down the seconds in my jittery state. Then, with
16 seconds left I hit refresh, and
BOOM!! "Bidding is Closed for this Item" and my
userid wasn't anywhere to be seen!! Shimatta!! I
hit the desk, and cried!! Now I have to tell my
sister I lost her Ken-kun cel... Eep!! Not
looking forward to this... =(
*sigh* Okay, there's my bad day. Gomen... Heh, if
there's gonna be a pity party, I'll bring us the
sake! o_O