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Re: Something I've said time and again. . . . . (Tue May 29 18:18:11 2001 )

Yeah, no kidding. Well, learned the hard way and 
usualy good at keeping things private, just e-
mail isn't here at home. One of those things that 
a person slips up on. I try all the time to keep 
things private, but with the growing house-hold 
and patience...it gets seriously frustrating. 
Have to put a lock on my cels now, or send some 
people packing. I am not trusting anyone here 
anymore. Yesh. My e-mail doesn't have a password, 
it's set on default or whatever so when you click 
on it, the password is already there and it 
doesn't ask, just lets you go in without asking 
for it. The only problem. Yes, the dealer was 
kind enough and understanding. I'm just glad I 
sent it off today. Had someone go out and send it 
when he went to run errands, so goi, still mad, 
but yep, just been running around so much, had no 
clue whatsoever this had happened, until I get 
home, and this morning read this. Was terrified 
at first and had no clue what was going on. Felt 
like in the twilight zone. *_*

Anyway, he's always used my e-mail, and has been 
good. Just weird and upsetting when a good person 
goes bad. *shakes head* Dunno when he sent them-
we were gone the whole weekend. We usualy do 
that, and things have been fine in the past. Just 
recently we've had these problems. Well, at least 
my cels are safe. I am glad I had my cels with me 
on the trip! I'm scared to think what would have 
happened to them if I left them behind. *nearly 
faints* Well, things are cleared up and glad I 
sent out my parner to go send the money early 
this morning. I can rest a bit easier now, plus 
am changing things and passwords on my computer, 
after I clean this virus out... *grumbles* Well, 
in all this, my cels are safe, which is the good 
part, and just happy because of that and that I 
saw some great nice people at the cel panel down 
there. I'm just not going to let this ruin my day 
and just going to have to work extra hard now I 
suppose. Thanks for replying. 

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