Hi Karen, ^_^;
I am guessing it might be the cel I sent an email
to you about last night that you're refering
to. :) Please, please... do not worry about
asking me to wait until you hear back confirming
that you got the cel you are attempting to
purchase. I honestly don't want you to regret
selling it. :) I sold a cel recently that I
never *ever* thought I would, but a dream cel
came up - sounds a lot like the situation you are
in right now. Do I regret selling one of my cels
I'd had for a couple of years and was very
sentimental? Well, maybe a little. :) But I got
an ultimate dream cel, which I am very very
pleased with. And I know the person who got the
cel I sold loves it, so that makes it much
easier. :)
Anyway... again, please take your time in getting
back to either me or whoever it might be about
the cel. I am sure they would feel the same as I
do. :)
Best regards,
Sheri :) |