Yeah, what I usually do is I cut the PM box down
until it's as big as the peice of cardboard I'm
backing the cel with, then tape it closed. This
prevents slipping, or possibility of being
utterly crushed because it "looks
big"...unfortunately, sometimes a lot of tape
does need to be used, but I figure people would
appreciate the security of their cels more ^_^ It
may take longer to get into, but a safe cel may
be worth the time. That might just be my view,
though ^^ It's really hard and expensive to buy
the kind of cardboard Taro uses...for a lot of
people, it really just isn't practical ^^
As for #2 above...I totally agree. My very first
cel I bought came in a PM box like that, folded
flat but with adhesive strips open, and the cel
was not even placed ina cel bag. They had put it
in a manilla envelope and it floated around, and
the CEL actually got stuck to the adhesive
strip...a large chunk of it. When I gently
managed to get the cel off (without bending it,
miraculously), there was a large glue linedown
the side of the cel. It took me many hours to
clean off, making sure to take care not to use
any harmful substances and make sure the cel
wouldn't get hurt. Poor baby *huggles* Ahh,
well...I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles.
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