Yeah, I saw those Toyas, I guess I got my dates
messed up a bit! GOD! WHY is Taro, who is so
noteworthy to put decent prices on cels, jacking
the hell out of the ANC???? Man, they have some
really nice cels, but they are all really really
up there! And Im sorry, but, if they are
charging that much for the background being
there, it's still way too much. "Look everyone!
I can make a wash with black watercolors!"
Hmmm, Id like to have a winged Touya, but can
you just imagine what they will be? The nice
ones I mean?? If those tiny little fart images
are over 300$--which, is a very nice Nuriko cel
BTW--then I dont even want to nourish my chances
of owning a really nice one of him with the
wings. *Sigh* I guess I'll just have to hold out
for a nice crappy one with one of his eyes open I
guess.....thanks for all the replies guys!