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Cel Gathering at Fanime (Sun Feb 25 07:42:14 2001 )

Hello!  I wanted to get the word out now - since 
Fanime is a month away - so that everyone 
can start planning their convention vacation... 

We've reserved a room for Friday night from 9-
11pm.  The reason it's so late is to that 
everyone can have a chance to visit the 
dealer's room, so the dealers and their 
workers can close the dealer's room and for 
you to do all the other cool things that you want 
to do.  The reason for Friday night is that we 
didn't want to run the risk of interfering with the 
Masquerade or any other such nightly 
activities that will probably happen on 
Saturday night.

This is not a panel discussion/presentation 
thing as it has been in the past.  It will just be 
a place to hang out - show of your cels - drool, 
I mean, look at everyone else's collection - 
maybe make a private sale or trade.  Kinda 
like a weird meet and greet type of thing.

So, bring a cel book or two (or three or a 
suitcase!) and come meet those folks that 
you've only just talked via email with!  And no, 
we are not going to make you wear name 

The rooms have not been assigned - but once 
they do, I'll let you know.
If you have any questions regarding this event, 
please contact myself NOT Fanime.  :)

Thanks - Hope to see you there!
Christy ^_^

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