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Re: Omygosh I forgot -- My Taro mangle... (Tue Feb 27 22:16:16 2001 )
Lady Zatara

(*laughing*)  Okay, I know that's really not
funny, but the image in my mind of postal
employees dipping letters in the Amazon and
then giggling wickedly as they attach those
"return to sender" notes to them just cracks
me up...

You know, someone once sent me a letter in a 
priority mail envelope.  She sent it to me about
2 weeks before Christmas (a few years ago)
and the priority envelope arrived sometime in
mid/late March.  I mailed the envelope (sans
letter, although it was already WAY outdated,
since it was to me ^.^) back to her just so 
she could get a kick out of the Atlanta postmark
dated over 3 months after she mailed a letter that
was supposed to arrive "2-3 days"...

Maybe the USPS should change the title for
"Priority Mail" to "We're Not Really Concerned
And We'll Get To It When We Damn Well Please 


Lady Z

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