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Re: Does anyone care about cel descriptions? (Thu Sep 14 00:21:29 2000 )

I love reading descriptions, especially the ones
that say something unique (to avoid the problem
Yann brought up of 1500 "I liked this cel and I
couldn't resist")  However, the only times I don't
read descriptions are when they're in the "alt
tags" and I'm not using a browser that supports
viewing them without looking at the source _and_
when they're done using java or javascript... so
many people/companies are put up such poor
java/javascript that I browse with them both
turned off (I generally avoid galleries that use
to much of it, or flash).

Scene info is cool, though I prefer non-spoiler. 
I try to get away with this by making some
hint-reference for those who have seen it but not
going right out and saying it for those who
haven't.  I like screen caps too.  It's a neat way
of seeing how the cel was used and it gives
another color reference (often times, cels are
hard to scan in with everything perfect
color-wise, screen caps are no better, but having
two views helps).  If the cel image is not a
spoiler, then the screen cap should be no problem
right?  If the cel image is spoiler, there wasn't
much you could do anyway. ^_^;

As for production information, I usually think
that's very interesting.  I'm especially
interested in knowing if backgrounds are matching
since so many come with mismatched backgrounds and
now a lot of people are creating their own copy
backgrounds or painted non-matching backgrounds. 
Strange production stories are usually interesting
as well (i.e. This cel has 3 correction layers and
2-paintings on top, they must've...)  Condition is
also interesting, but only if it defers from the
norm.  Saying "this cel is in normal condition" on
everything would get boring.

Similarly, who you bought it from often gets a
little repetitive for me.  The occasional "Thanks
__Cel Shop Here___ for this one!" is nice though.

As for space-effectiveness, I've noticed a lot of
people are doing descriptions via alt-tags _or_
are putting the description on the page with the
bigger cel image (but I guess that's not an option
for you ;_;) Sometimes I'm surprised just who is
doing descriptions that I didn't notice before!

I expected more people who didn't do descriptions
to pop up already, I'm interested in hearing some
negative views myself ^_^;;


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