Well, I finally downloaded and tested CD2HTML -
and it's a WONDERFUL freeware app that creates
thumbnail HTML pages with links to your images.
So, if you have a gallery that you hadn't bothered
to make thumbnails for (or just didn't know how),
this is the thing for you. 100% free, and doesn't
even require installation (only for Windows 9x,
though) ^_^ Here's an output sample for my TMR
gallery (hopefully it won't be resized by
I wish I found this thing sooner.... -_-'
You can download it from his page:
In a week or so I intend to have my QND Guide to
Freeware up and running with local downloads to
great freeware proggies (including this one)....
P.S.: I'll be sending my FS cels to Yahoo, oh,
in a couple of days or so, too .. Forget Ebay!
And Yahoo now requires both seller AND bidder
cc verification, just to warn you if you're
underaged and don't have a cc...