Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
WHAT!?! No Iria? No Cutey Honey!? (Sun Sep 24 17:17:27 2000
I'm told that puple hair is ok, but for some reason
I just don't think of it as red.(otherwise Faye
Valentine would win HANDS DOWN!)
Now Iria is certainly one of my favorites.
...and I can't forget Ed.
I can't believe nobody mentioned Cutey Honey!(of
course, she does have different colored hair all
the time.)
Message thread :
- Minor site update, anime redheads, a contest, and who knows what else? - gdpj (Sep 23 17:56)
- Re: Minor site update, anime redheads, a contest, and who knows what else? - Keys (Sep 23 18:16)
- Re: Minor site update, anime redheads, a contest, and who knows what else? - Lady Zatara (Sep 23 19:30)
- My favorite redhead - wndrkn (Sep 23 20:12)
- Re: Well, most of you know my favorite redhead... ^_^' - oion (Sep 23 21:17)
- The coolest Redhead and let me tell you why - Mookyblast (Sep 23 21:52)
- Redheads...big ears and wings! - Stephanie (Sep 24 00:04)
- Re: The COOLEST red head is.......... - suchi-cake (Sep 24 00:14)
- Re: you did say pink... - skorp (Sep 24 00:47)
- My fav red head! - ix (Sep 24 01:19)
- Okay, where are all the redheaded MEN? ^.~ - Lady Zatara (Sep 24 05:16)
- My favorite redhead - Shayla - aion (Sep 24 10:11)
- Redheads...hmmm... - chibidragon (Sep 24 10:37)
- Thanks for sharing those redheads. - gdpj (Sep 24 12:26)
- No Lina Inverse yet. I'll Teach you to forget me. Dragonslave. - marcus (Sep 24 14:10)
- WHAT!?! No Iria? No Cutey Honey!? - crackdog (Sep 24 17:17)
- What, no Hikaru ?!? - Lady Zatara (Sep 24 19:00)
- Re: Minor site update, anime redheads, a contest, and who knows what else? - Misa (Sep 24 22:25)
- Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky 4th is the COOLest and... - Kelly (Sep 25 00:46)