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Re: A Zooming Question (Thu Sep 28 11:12:08 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


You're not crazy. ^_^ You've probably found the 
cel. Keep in mind that there is a lot on the 
edges of the cel that is never seen on the 
screen. (You'll see a little bit more if you have 
a TV screen as big or bigger than 27", but not 
much. Incidentally, this being able to see more 
on a bigger TV screen works for normal, live-
action movies too, so small screens must somehow 
crop the picture of what you're watching.)

I have a couple cels for which there is an inch 
and a half or more of the cel "cut off" on each 
side by the edge of the screen when you see it in 
the anime. One is an A1End pan cel that can't be 
anywhere else in the anime it comes from, so I 
know I am looking at the right shot.

Many Sharp Smiles,

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