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People who got something from either Anime Chaos or Anime-Cel this weekend. . . (Mon Feb 5 19:44:01 2001 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


I missed a couple cels. . . One that I think 
someone might not care about, the other that is 
worth a little beg. ^_~

If someone here got "PSY064" from Anime-Cel, would
you be willing to part with the "bonus" cel of 

If someone here got "cha29" from Anime Chaos, is 
there any chance you'd consider reselling for 
more? (This is the one I'm sure I have no chance 
at, but had to try. >_<;;;)

I'd love to hear from whoever might have gotten 
these. ^_^  Please? ^_^  ^_^  <--- Look how cute 
I am! C'mon, you know you want to write! (*grin*)

Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (done being foolish for the night ^_^;)

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Message thread :
  • People who got something from either Anime Chaos or Anime-Cel this weekend. . . - Drac of the Sharp Smiles (Feb 5 19:44)

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