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His current id is acmdogm@hotmail.com and he currently has 6 auctions. (Sat Oct 7 00:08:14 2000 )

It looks like all the auctions he has under this 
id are currently Dragonball cels. (He says they 
are in perfect condition, but the scans are so 
huge, that you can clearly see the rather 
significant line fading) I'm not sure if these 
are real productions cels, the large scans and 
damage suggest that they might be. I still 
haven't seen any sequence numbers though. 

Also, he is still trying to buy cels from the 
artist (Lina Inverse) and is trying to blame 
a "friend" for the fraud he commited. She will 
not paint any more fan cels for him, but she did 
want people to know that in his original puchase 
he bought the Nausica, Duo (these we've seen) and 
also an Utena, Achika, and a Heero. Maybe she 
still has scans of them so we can clarify exactly 
what fancels he bought. 

Last thing. When this all started, I really was 
willing to give this guy a chance to speak his 
mind. That's why I wrote him. But any doubt I 
ever had is gone. After what he wrote me and what 
he has been writing to Lina, his story is just 
pathetic. Even if these are real cels, I would 
warn people against bidding. We're dealing with a 
person who seemingly (just because I'm convinced 
doesn't mean it's absolute) has practiced 
deceptive, fraudulent, and illegal auctions in 
the past. I would encourage people not to mess 
with his auctions. At least this way we know who 
he is and you won't risk the consequences of 
getting caught. Just don't bid. 


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