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Evil horrible people who steal cel images for their own profit (Wed Feb 7 18:04:41 2001 )
Marisa (Misa)

Hello everyone.

I have no idea why it is always me that ends up 
in this situation, but today I was told about an 
auction on eBay:


This is some $!&*(@& person selling a printed-out 
copy of my animation cel, FRAMED nonetheless. I 
know this is my cel because it has my background 
which is the WRONG background, and it's firmly 
stuck to the cel, so the only way this !()$*$@()$ 
could have got my cel was back when I had 
unmarked images up and he stole that image, 
printed it out, and now he's selling it for 

I feel defeated. I was so happy to be putting my 
cels back up in my gallery; now I remember WHY I 
took them down. I feel so frustrated too. eBay 
won't do anything to help me because they only 
help "big business" with their legal rights. What 
can I do? I can't leave this guy negative 
feedback. I can't do anything except write to him 
and ask him to take it down. But, fraud that he 
is, I can't imagine that he will.

I just don't know what to do except cry ;_;

I guess the gallery isn't going to go up after 
all. ;_;


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