Yaay! *waves lil pop-pops* I love your Lord of
Nightmares and Achika cel, Karen! I know how
badly you wanted the Lord of Nightmares one, it's
so wonderful to finally get a wishlist cel
(*who's currently trying to get one herself*).
The Achika is beautiful too, I love her after
she's transformed into her Jurian garb. Specially
the silver hair! (*has a thing for silver hair
too..mmn Guile*)
Anyways, great new cels! *_*
Ryouko, who calls herself that but has not one
Ryoko cel in her collection :oP
*cheer* but I do have this! When I was saving for
a major wishlist cel a couple months back, I sold
my only Nuriko cel (and a death-scehe one at
that) to help pay for it. Unfortunately the deal
fell through, and I was left without my wishlist
cel and my Nuriko. However, Nick was able to come
to my rescue a couple weeks ago, and sold a much
better Nuriko cel than the one I had before. ^^
Happy! Thanks Nick. *^^**g* Also! SailorV.com has
been redesigned (finally!), featuring a chibi pic
of myself drawn by Oion-san, who is a wonderful
and talented artist! Check it out! :D Bai! *wave*
Too much sugar in the morning....@.@