Hi Megan! ^-^
Thank you for the compliment on my gallery. :)
The Bardock pic on the main gallery page actually
is a screen cap. ^-^ I rotate the pics I use on
a semi-regular basis. (Ok, whenever I see a
screen cap I really like is when I change it - I
admit it ^^;) I added that one since I got the
Bardock cel from the same sequence. ^_^ (Thank
you Anime Taro!!!)
My Veg cels are definately the pride of my
collection. He's adorable and I can't get enough
cels of him (can you say addicted?) =P The Veg
and Bulma kind of fell into my lap through a
trade - which I was quite happy to accept. ^_^;
Anyway, I should stop reading the forum and
finish getting ready to leave tomorrow. o.o
Finally leaving dreary NY and going back to where
all my family is and where I grew up. ^-^ I hate
moving, but I dislike winter in NY enough that
it's worth it =P
~ SWolf