Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
ALSO... (Wed Nov 8 14:06:36 2000
I've never seen any cels of this character, but
Kasuya-kun from Hana Yori Dango not only looks
exactly like my best friend Damen (sans glasses),
but they have very, very similar personalities.
Even the way Kasuya interacts with Tskushi is
almost exactly like our relationship.
He's so similar, it's just WEIRD....
valerie |
Message thread :
- Okay, this is probably not a good idea, but who do you think you look like the most? - Sonia Lai (Nov 7 14:33)
- P.S. Okay, it should have said "WHOM do you think..." plus more ideas and a message for Aion - Sonia Lai (Nov 7 14:44)
- Re: Okay, this is probably not a good idea, but who do you think you look like the most? - Yann Stettler (Nov 7 14:49)
- Re: *pssst* (Who do you look like....) - oion (Nov 7 16:26)
- Ahh, I just realized that I look a lot like . . . - Faris Kalin (Nov 7 17:05)
- Picking on my brother - Snakeskii (Nov 7 17:27)
- I think I know... - Kenshin no Miko (Nov 7 18:23)
- Re: Okay, this is probably not a good idea, but who do you think you look like the most? - ryoga2pchan (Nov 7 19:01)
- Re: Okay, this is probably not a good idea, but who do you think you look like the most? - Charon (Nov 7 19:15)
- Hmmm... - Lady Zatara (Nov 7 19:30)
- Hmmm . . . well I guess this is pretty close. - Genom Executive (Nov 7 21:20)
- Re: Okay, this is probably not a good idea, but who do you think you look like the most? - Ryouko (Nov 7 22:11)
- Thanks for the insights =). - Sonia Lai (Nov 8 11:02)
- way to steal my idea for the next post... - valerie (Nov 8 13:57)
- ALSO... - valerie (Nov 8 14:06)
- Re: Okay, this is probably not a good idea, but who do you think you look like the most? - mak (Nov 9 03:09)