Whether the companies mind or not is one issue,
but it is their right and obligation to enforce
use of their works because they are obligated to
do so by the original creators.
The "creator" is not someone whose life is taken
over by incredibly greedy and profitable
companies. Companies are merely a vehicle to
compensate the extremely hard working and
Just look at Miyazaki, Rumiko Takahashi, Stephen
King, Jackie Collins, etc. These are all top
creative individuals within their professions and
make many millions annually. They have chosen who
to license their works to and *require* those
companies to enforce the copyrights.
BTW, the "stupid" copyright laws are the only
reason why you and I can collect cels in the
first place. Studios are able to release cels
only because they don't lose *any* rights to
their intellectual property in doing so. If they
did, you'd have to find yourself another hobby.