Congrats on Yui! I think that is a wonderful
shot of her and a great scene. Someday a Yui
will pop up when I am not tapped for funds.
*sigh.... someday!* ^_~ I am really looking for
her in her Hokkan clothing. If Asylum had one of
her in that outfit, I'd be REALLY depressed!
I can't complain tho, I have some WONDERFUL
Kenshin cels on order. (yay!) One of which is an
OVA cel. I was finally able to locate where my
OVA cel comes from - its from the opening credits
of OVA III when Kenshin shields Tomoe from the
wind at the fish stand. *dreamy sigh* It's too
bad it didn't come with the Tomoe layer.
I know I don't have it in my hands yet, but I am
very excited about it. ^_^ Sorry, I can't help
gushing about it.
jINx |