I've turned in TONS of people for selling fansubs
on auction and most of them have been removed
immediately. Unfortunately, it's like a full time
job and I can't do it every week like I used to.
The thing about the extra fees is this: If you're
a business, (and you can be classifed as such if
you are gaining over $100/month in credit card
transactions through PayPal) then it's simply the
cost of doing business per month. With cels it
kind of sucks, because they are expensive, but
whenever there is an increase in the cost to do
business, it is passed onto the consumer. 'Brick
and Mortar' businesses just don't necessarily
disclose that to you! So go ahead and add the
handling fee. Add it to shipping, or add it to
your opening bid price to recoup your costs.
On a personal note, I don't think it's fair to
necessarily pass those extra charges onto
customers, especially if the extra charges aren't
generated by the consumers themselves. Paypal is
a service that people CHOOSE to use. You can
always restrict people from sending payments
through PayPal, or use another service to meet
your business needs. Also, not _everything_
should be free or cheap. If demand is high, and
supply low, prices must increase. I understand
that you just can't go into business for free
(without any associated costs), but lots of
people who run businesses on the web expect that
you should be able to do whatever you want, with
no rules, regulations, or cuts into profit.
On the other hand, the consumer is benefitting
from the sellers' use of PayPal. (Or they should
be, or what's the point?) So split the costs in
half per transaction..by adding half to shipping
totals and half to opening bid price.
ky77 |