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Should it stay or should it go? (ccs/yue cel ID) (Thu Nov 16 11:28:29 2000 )

I need your guys' opinion, (though in the end, i
think you''ll say it's up to me).

I'm thinking about letting go of this cel. (no, i'm
not selling it on ebay or anything like that--not
yet anyway) (^_^')  I'm kidding!  Anyway, should
i keep this cel?  (if it's not below, it's above)

I mean--is there anything significant about this
scene?  I haven't seen enough ccs episodes
to ID it.  I think Yue is an awesome character,
but for certain reasons i may give up this one
of him.   It's a beautiful shot, actually i think any
shot of him is beautiful, c'mon it's Yue!  i had
thought it was oversized because it is 10x12
and bigger than my SM cels, but i guess that
is actually standard size.  Also it's a key.  I
don't know if i'll ever get any more cels of him.

So what do you think?


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Message thread :
  • Should it stay or should it go? (ccs/yue cel ID) - kabukimoon (Nov 16 11:28)

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