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hmm drac is right..again! ^_^ (Wed Nov 22 04:32:31 2000 )

The prices for the cels that were there before 
the stock was taken is the same as before.
As for prices getting higher **sigh** I think 
thats true on a lot of sites, it depends on how 
many cels were released of a series and how many 
people really want that character. Also how good 
a cel really is. I think Taro is staying 
competitive, really.
 Its been said before that a cel cant be too 
expensive if someones willing to pay for it.
I shiver at how expensive my one dream cel of 
xellos will cost me if I ever ever ever find him.
  Partly because its hella cold in my apartment, 
and partly because I will probably cheerfully 
hand the money over with no thought at all..

Praying that the landlord dies a hundred horrible 
pointy deaths (maybe even involving tentacles)


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