Sometimes I find myself searching for a new cel
to pick up but nothing recent has been catching
my eye. So I go and troll through the "overlooked"
cels from updates past on the dealer's sites. . .
This usually coincides with times that I have a
bit of extra money itching in my pocket.
(*BWHAHAHAHA* Yeah, like that happens to any of
us often. ^_^)
So when you have a bit of cash itching your
pocket and nothing posted recently has taken your
fancy, where do you head to first to window shop
for your next new cel? And why do you go there?
(Or in a related issue - if you've just seen an
anime and you just have to have some cels from it
*NOW*. . . Where do you go to look first?)
My answer. . . Anime Chaos. Why? Because there's
such a big selection and you can always find
something that nicely fits into the "little bit
of money itching in my pocket" range. ^_^ Also,
for me, it seems there's always something else
little there that I want and so I can then get
that too and justify shipping charges. ^_^
(Actually, every time I think I've completely
cleaned out the Chaos site of things I want, Nick
goes and updates again and I'm back to square
one. *grin*)
So. . . Where do you all go first? ^_^
Many Sharp Smiles,