Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Re: Not A Flame, but a Serious Question... (Sat Dec 16 19:57:43 2000
Maybe this is too Pollyanna of me but I would
actually respect a person more if they stuck to
the rules he or she created in the first place. I
see it as =my= responsibility to let my friends
know "if you ever want to sell that cel...." and
I expect them to honor that because they are my
friends-- friends I talk to all the time and move
beyond mere internet acquaintances. On the other
hand, I also won't begrudge them if they want to
sell a cel for a certain amount and I can't
afford it -- it's their cel and if they need the
cash, fine. I'm more likely to know the crisis
that prompted the quick sale so I'm sympathetic.
Or if the cel is just worth more than I can pay,
I'm a friend enough to understand that. I see no
chance of jeopardizing my friendships over a
silly thing like cels because I'd like to think
our relationship is much deeper than that.
But we are talking about dealers here and not the
collector who is selling some of his or her cels.
and I'm a little fuzzy about the line between
"most favored customer" versus "friend." I'm not
sure they are always the same and I don't think
either case is necessarily bad.
Wendy |
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