Whew! Well, after such a long, stressful year, I
think I am ready to come back to the Forum^_^!
I've been paying my own bills now for a year &
it's just so stressful -_-...Anyway...big news^_^!
I've majorly updated my cels gallery with cels
that've been lying around for a year I just hadn't
had time to scan & re-post. They are some amazing
cels too^_^;; At least I think so^_^! Let me
know what yo think! Also, listen up: I am
helping my friend in Japan sell some cels here in
America on E-bay. You may know him...He's helped
so many with his Deputy Services...That's
right...Toru Sato^_^! I've scanned in the cels
I'll be putting up later this evening. Cels from
FAKE OVA, Vampire Hunter D, & Much More! So help
out Sato in getting these cels sold^_^ He will
appreciate it very much! So, check out my updated
gallery, & bid on those auctions later, & to wet
your appetite: Here's a cel I just posted up to
my gallery, Enjoy! |