I got the following cel quite some time ago as a
gift from my brother. I know it is from DBZ but I
never really watched the show so I have no idea
who the characters are or where it comes from. I
realize that it may be impossible to tell where
it comes from due to the sheer number of DBZ
episodes. I am also asking if someone could
evaluate approximately how much it is worth
because I have never run into anything like this
cel before. The reason I say that is the picture
I posted is A1 end, B1, C1, D3. The interesting
part is that I also have the eye and mouth
movements numbered B2, B3, C2, D1, D2. I also
have all of the pencil drawings and the only
problem with the cels is that the first 4 are
taped together. Other then that all are in
excellent condition and unstuck. Any help would
be appreciated.
Rupan |