. . . . that it refers back to when people got
all up in arms about Paypal starting to charge
fees. Of course, the difference is that Yahoo
seems to have it all figured out in advance (ie,
what they want to charge) and Paypal seemed to be
changing their policy more often than most of us
change our underwear. (*joking grin*)
I don't think it's a completely bad thing that
Yahoo is starting to charge. . . One good thing
that might come of this is that it will "clean
up" the site a bit. One of the reasons I almost
*NEVER* go over to Yahoo is because a lot of it
is just the same stuff listed and relisted and
relisted to infinity. Because it cost nothing to
list it, sellers just kept putting back up
whatever didn't sell and that's just a waste of
time for me. There's a LOT of old stuff that I
guarentee you will either get taken off now, or
the sellers will bring the prices down to try to
really sell it, instead of listing the items
at "in your dreams" prices.
Many Sharp Smiles,