One of my friends sent along a fansub of the
notoriously overcute Akazukin Cha Cha. And
(dieties help me) I love the thing. ^_^;; I've
skimmed around my usual sites (as well as some I
don't visit as often) and see a few cels I like -
but I can't find anything of Cha Cha's teacher,
Rascal-sensei. (There's a very expensive and
equally nice opening cel of him at Taro, but I
don't like Rascal-sensei quite that much. ^_^;;)
So this begs the question. . . Is Rascal-sensei
just really hard to find? Really popular?
Relatively unknown? Or maybe is there a cel of
him for sale that's hiding somewhere I missed? ^_^
I'd love some info/input from fans of the show
since I've never even *looked* at Akazukin cels
before last week. ^_^;
Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (I better not be getting myself into
something again. . . . ^_~;)