I *HAVE* quit cold turkey... I haven't bought a
new cel in months... I bid on that one cel
(the cute Deedlit) on YJ for a friend, and I
just couldn't resist that one LU cel... since
I have one other LU cel in my possession, I
thought about either framing them together or
setting up some other sort of display just
for those two cels... (I gave up, my LU cel is
on eBay now...)
You know, after you don't buy any cels for a
while, the urge *does* go down... I don't even
have any desire to browse through new-dealer
updates anymore (only do when I'm really bored,
as I still appreciate beautiful art) and I
CERTAINLY don't have any desire to spend
hundreds of dollars on paint-and-plastic
any longer... =) (Except that one LU cel...
man, I've wanted one of the prince and lady
unicorn for a long time... but I wasn't willing
to spend a lot, so I knew I wouldn't win it
As far as quitting goes: I have about 10 cels
(or so... haven't heard back from a few people
who want to pay by payments and I'm starting
to get tired of waiting and emailing so may
throw those to eBay, too) left to sell, then
everything will be gone. (Quite a few have
walked out the door in the last month!)
As for a patch: I think just pulling the plug
on the internet would probably work as well
for most people. (Esp. those of us who live
in the evil South [at least it's usually
warmer... but dangit, we've had snow lately! I
moved down here to get away from that stuff!]
who are almost never near a convention with
cel dealers) Once I start looking through a
cel site that makes me start thinking "Man,
I really want to get some cels from this show/
movie" I just close the browser... I kinda like
having money for gas, food, etc and not
instead spending thousands $$ on artwork...
I could eat that, but real food would probably
taste better...=)
Maybe a blindfold...?
Kim =) |