Hi again!
I'm selling my Last Unicorn cel. :# I need the
money for other things right now, and seeing as
how I won't be able to afford many other Last
Unicorn cels, I've decided to sell this one so I
can afford things I really want a bit more
(Gargoyles cels). I hope you guys understand. ;)
Also, I am selling both of my beautiful Ryoko
cels. These are great closeups with beautiful
colors and expressions. Just click on my link
above to go to my cels page where the auctions
are listed. Thank you!
I am still taking offers on the Morrigan/Morgan
cel from the Ah! My Goddess movie. I have
received a few offers so far, but I'm not done
taking offers just yet. :) E-mail me if you're
Have fun!
Steph |