Hi everyone ^_^
I am trying to keep out of cel collecting at the
moment (saving for my wedding and getting ready
to move into my own place), but I did get this
wonderful cel in the mail today and I thought I
would share. I am a little behind on my e-mail,
so if you have e-mailed me recently, please be
patient I will e-mail you soon. I have to have 3
wisdom teeth out on Friday, so it may not be
until next week that I get back to you (gomen
nasai ;_;).
If you are not familiar with the scene, this is a
cel of Gyokuran from Please Save My Earth (Boku
no Chikyuu o Mamotte), specifically from the
Music Video (Enju's Story). It's not stuck to the
background, and it is a 2-layer cropped cel (on
the right and left sides, and the background) so
I can barely see what was left of the number, but
it looks like "A2 END". I will have to go watch
my LD to figure out which cel it actually is. The
cel did not come with a pencil. I love this scene!
Anyway, just had to share... I've been waiting
for months for this cel.
If anyone finds any other PSME cels, please let
me know :)
misa |