I have no problem with the picture either (when
do we get to see a scantily clad *guy*? ^_~), but
the workplace (at least in the US) has become a
TICKING BOMB as far as "sexual harassment" is
concerned. A lot of easily insulted morons scream
that they're being sexually harassed if they just
see *anything* they don't agree with, even in
passing. And to be PC, the company/business where
it happens usually just crucifies the supposed
perpetrator without bothering to think about what
*actually* happened since they don't want to wind
up in court as "one of those" places that won't
protect it's employees. At least one man I heard
of on the news was fired because a female
coworker - who he had *never* spoken to - walked
past his cube and happened to glace at his screen
while he was on some website. . . She was
insulted by what she saw (which they never gave
details about, so it must have been ridiculous)
and complained that the workplace environment was
unfriendly towards women. (*rolls eyes*)
Mind you all, I completely agree that sexual
harassment (*REAL* harassment) should be stomped
on where it's found. . . But there's just so much
stupid stuff right now. ~_~; It's a witchhunt.
Many Sharp Smiles,
--Drac (back on dry land again! ^_^ wait. . .
why am I smiling? There's snow here! ~_~;;) |