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Re: Shinkaiden Houshin Engi (Tue May 23 18:14:38 2000 )
Jey Kama

 Heh, those Houshin Engi cels at Taro (well, I'm about 98% 
sure where the cels of Dakki and the two guys came from, 
anyhow. I'm not sure about the Xiupu-chan cel...) have an 
interesting selling story behind them... 
 I'm glad there are cels of the series; I'd love to see a 
Youzen! ^^' It's a relatively new series, so maybe it will 
just take time before cels are released en masse.

*quite X_x that the price of the Dakki cel alone was 5000yen
more than the ending auction price for all three* Gave me a 
new perspective on cel pricing X.x;

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