Sorry! Screwed up the formatting on the last message. Let's try again!
Valerie wrote:
* Shogun Blue. I've seen about three cels of him in
my entire life, and this one has him in his armor
(I'm pretty sure it's him, anyhow). It's not a good
cel at all, but....c'mon!! It's SHOGUN BLUE!
That is a great cel! It's from the 3rd DB movie. Blue
Shogun actually isn't that bad a guy in that movie either!
Unfortunately, TaoPaiPai still gets him with a killer
tongue trick. ;_; I love all the Red Ribon Army stuff,
especially Blue Shogun. I wish I could get more cels of
him than the two I have. My personal favorite Blue Shogun
cel that I currently own is the one below (I hope the
picture works!, if not, use the URL above).
Anyway, this doesn't answer the original question,
but I'll write a different answer in another message. ^_^