Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: page layout (Sun May 28 17:03:22 2000
I understand completely about frames - I don't like them
either. >_^ But I chose to use frames for that page for
two reasons - faster loading without reloading, and makes
it very easy to edit individual cel information without
wading through pages of HTML. These are, of course, strictly
developer viewpoints, but as a user I still understand
the nonframe argument.
I didn't mention that I developed the site within a 1024x
768 environment - I basically had to guess how the cels
would look and such in lower resolutions. I assume then
that you're either on 800x600 or using a Mac (which don't
maximize windows). Was it the thumbnail frame or the
cel enlargement pane that was giving you trouble? Both?
These things interest me, because my future cel gallery will
be based on this layout. >_^
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