Contract laws regarding minors aside (and no, I do not
think there should be underagers using Ebay), it's obvious
someone here on this Forum looked up her ID and squealed on
her. Seems to me rotten and uncalled for.
Maybe the person who did the reporting should go find some
of the underage Ebayers who *are* creating problems and nail
them instead. . . Might give the person something more
produtive to do with their apparently far too large amount
of free time and their nosey nature.
Valerie, try Marcus's idea! It just might give Ebay the
loophole they need to reinstate your ID. Frankly, if you've
been a good asset to Ebay, they can't afford to lose you -
especially with all the garbage going on recently. Good
luck!! I'd say to let us all know how this turns out, but
apparently there's someone here who shouldn't know. ~_~
Many Sharp Smiles,