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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Specs on the Cars!!! (Sat Jul 15 10:40:37 2000 )

First of all. I wasn't referring to your post. I was
referring to the woman on this forum that you said could
be offended by what he had said. And perhaps "connection"
would have been a better word to use instead of
"relationship". Either way it is true that many anime fans,
male and female care for some anime characters very strongly
. Women seem to be more vocal about it since many guys
would get flamed like that for doing the same. And your
wife seems quite hypersensitive. I don't know what else they
said to her, but just because of the fact that someone 
potentially may use *the c word* doesn't mean they have
to be corrected and warned about it like if they were 
really obnoxious or chauvinistic. Personally, I don't see
how anything he said could be offensive. Many slangs like
*the c word* are used alot today by both men and women.
And jokingly mentioning that a nice car could attract 
women (which unfortunately isn't unheard of) is not a big

Have you seen South Park? Welcome to the "vulgar",
"offensive", and shallow future.

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