I know what you mean, about the price... The only series I
really collect from is Gunnm, I started over three years ago
and a good shot of Gally would go for 200, at the most. Now
I its almost like "Wow, a Gally shot for only 400?!" >.<
But, hey, its our fault as a consumers..I know most of you
have seen how we cel collectors raise the price..Whenever a
Gunnm cel pops up it is quickly bought, without much
consideration as to the price...the dealers see how much
we're willing to spend on less-then great cels, and raise
the price.
*coughs* Ebay isn't helping, but I guess we all know that. ^^
I have over 10 Gunnm cels, and I'm just happy for what I
know must be one of the larger collections ^^
Goodluck! Btw, MDAW isn't updating his page much these days
it seems..I already bought that Doc Ido cel (With a
background!) *gasp* Sowwy guys/gays..
Rook, Gunnm Collector.