The most I ever spent on a cel jsut rose from the
previous record of $260 for a Ranma opener to
$300 for a Plastic Little cel. I don't regret it's only been 2 months. My credit card
still hasn't recovered from Motorcity '99 let
alone Anime Central 2000. That bastard Curt HAD
to take her down and show her to me. He KNEW
I couldn't resist. He KNEW I had a problem...
So what if she looks just like the cel at Anime
Chaos? She is STILL gorgeous. As for great
deals..the 1st cel on my first Plastic Little page
is a horizontal pan cel. Its oversized..
Its perfect...I bought it for $65. In '99 no
less.It sat taped to the wall behind the dealers
stand for the better part of the day. I can't
believe an opportunist who didnt even LIKE
the show didn't get it. I agonized for 3 hours.
(this is back when I still had a conscience about
spending money on cels)I'l never beat that deal
-Tabi |