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Ebay before or after Otakon?? (Wed Aug 2 18:01:51 2000 )


I've had a lot of interest in the cels I listed in
my previous post about what I might put up on Ebay
next.  Some of them I may sell outright, if only 
one person expresses interest, but if more than 
one person is interested I'll put them up on Ebay 
(unless, of course, someone offers me some amazing
price).  My question is this - for those of you 
who may be interested in bidding on cels, and are
going to Otakon, should I list them now, or wait
till after?? If anyone not going to Otakon has an
opinion too, I'd love to hear it.

Az, who is very grateful to all the help you've 
all given me in this tough time.

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  • Ebay before or after Otakon?? - Az (Aug 2 18:01)

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