Oh. My. God. I would give my .. well,
nevermind. :P Dang it. That cel is SO awesome.
Congrats - it's amazing. If you ever want to get
rid of that cel, keep me in mind - I've wanted
one from that scene for so long.
Also, thank you very much for the compliment on
my collection - it's nice to hear that others
enjoy visiting ^_^; If you ever do have your
gallery online again, I would love to have a
link - I don't like to bug people for cels from
their private collections, so you wouldn't get
that from me. :) Course I'd email you drooling
over that gorgeous cel you posted, saying how
lucky you are to own it. Hehehe, I think I know
where you might have gotten it - and kudos if I
am correct. Could you please email me about it if
it isn't too much trouble? More then anything I
am curious if you got it from the individual I am
thinking of, or if cels from that sequence are
cropping up. (Dare I hope?!) That cel would come
pretty close to completing my Vegita collection
Wistfully sighing and sincerely congratulating,
Sheri - who keeps getting more and more jealous
today :) But it's all in good humor. ^_^ |