Cels Forum

Re: Human Ryo-ohki! Was there ever a cel you /really/ wanted, but... (Sat Oct 30 01:38:38 1999 )

>I just can't justify spending $200 for a cel that is so 
>similar to ones I already have except that the eyes are 

I say don't order it.  That price is just nutty.  And
as for that Movie cel with the background....MY GOD!!..
$250.00????  Nutz.

>Has this ever happened to any of you? You feel really weird
>because you /want/ a cel, but it's just too much like one 
>you already have to justify the expense? Or am I just 
>being weird? 

Happens to me all the time.  Kinda why I cycle through a
lot of my cels quick.  I'll buy a cel, and then a week
or so later I find a better version of it, or something 
close.  So I buy the newer one, but I FORCE myself to sell 
the one that its "replacing."  


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