Cels Forum

To remove or not remove? N additional stuff (Sat Nov 6 05:33:07 1999 )

To remove or not remove:
If you have a cel with staples and or tape on it, should you
remove it?  and if so what is the safest way to remove them
without destorying/damaging the cel or background it is on?

N Stuff:
Ok this might not be cel related but hey I'm bored.  Okie
so if you have a cel gallery or whatnot, and you think it
kinda bites and you want to revamp it, I'm offering to
revamp it for you ^_^ by default it'll look a bit like my 
site, unless you have some ideas.  Requests would be first
come first serve, I will reply with yes or no on doing your
site depending on what it looks like now, how big your site 
is (IE lots of pictures or not)..etc... 
I will be starting out slow since I've never done this b4,
so I will probably be doing 3 or 4 sites to start and see
how it goes and if I want to actually do this service LOL 

St. John's Diagaku no gakusei desu (LOL bad japanese ^_^;;)

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