Cels Forum

Re: Re: Does begging do any good? =) (Tue Nov 23 05:44:02 1999 )

Begging works for me in that the people who bought the cels
usually contact me, but it stops there.

Offering hard cash or "equal trade value" isn't realistic.
Most collectors (myself included) would rather have a nice
cel that money. 

Unfortunately, most people want crazy things in return for 
very cheap cels. For instance, a long while back, when I was
looking for a $30 cel, the owner offered to trade it to me
for my Black Lady cel. For another example, I currently
need a $2000 cel to trade for one that only cost an 1/8 that
much (sobs ;_;). 

I don't know if these people are serious, of course, or just
trying to get rid of me. When people ask me to trade or sell,
I either say, "it's not for sale" or "i'll trade for this..."
The thing I"ll trade for may be incredibly rare and I may 
think they'll never find it (laughs) but there's always a 
chance that they could and I don't ask for cels that I think
are/will be priced for a great deal over the value of my cels......
of course, the way cels are going these days, I don't think
I'm ever prepared for just how much they go for. :(

I've about had it with cel collecting........


Anyone have a cheap "Venus Love & Beauty Shock" cel for sale? :(Or rather, how much would a cel of that go for?):

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