Tetsuo is Almost full Frame, Drawing stuck!
Nausicaa is Exactly 3 Inches Tall
Hi, I'm willing to trade these two cel's for anything from:
Macross TV Anything or........Myria/Millia I'll give up my first born for a cel of her. Or I'll take just about anything:)
Macross the Movie.....Same
Macross Plus....Sharon Apple or anything "GOOD"
Gatchaman....I will do ANYTHING for a "GOOD" Cel of June
The Wings of Honneamise
A "GOOD" Sailor Moon cel of Usagi
Please don't Email me and ask what a "GOOD" Cel is, I am giving this stuff up from my personal collection I expect something Fair :)
I have over 100 feedbacks on Ebay, So I'm not trying to pull a Fast one. You gotta have some way to prove that your on the level. Or I will ask that you send stuff first If I agree to trade.
Come on you guy's......................