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FA: Gundam W Special cel of Duo (Wed Dec 8 20:48:46 1999
) pharna |
All the bills are just around the corner and I need dough for Christmas. Around the conclusion of the Gundam W TV series, 2 special videos, "Even" and "Odd" were released. Each of the 5 pilots had numbers 001-005. "Odd" was about Heero, Wu Fei and Trowa while "Even" was about Duo and Quatre. This is a rare cel of Duo from the "Even" video. "Even" has been written next to the sequence number. This cel is in excellent condition. There is no paint loss or trace line fading to speak of. Duo is on the right side of the cel, and is about 7 inches tall and 4 inches across. It's a cute Duo-esque image, ne? Click on the URL above to see the terms of business and to bid! |
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