Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dumb question: Fat cel books? (Sun Dec 19 01:05:57 1999 )

Yes, usually I put half of the cel book through the hanger
so the part it is hanging by is widest space between two
pages.  I'm just using regular metal clothes hangers for 
this.  I am able to fit both the small colored books and the
28 x 35.5 cm ones.  For the 35.5 x 43 cm ones, I either make
a bigger hanger out of two smaller ones (rebending the hanger) 
and hang is from one of those 'closet space savers' (the ones
where two metal 'ladders' hang down and you fit a second bar
accross, you can slip the extra hanger on the extra bar) or
I can just put the extra bar from the space saver in the
middle of the cel book and hang it like that (mine is thin
enough).  While I don't know if this is the best way of doing
things, it hasn't damaged anything and everything appears to
be hanging flat.


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