Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: To the person who got the Nausica cel at Anime Shop Vi (Mon Dec 20 10:48:18 1999
) wndrkn |
Hmmm. $800 sounds like a lot but in the little time I've been watching the Miyazaki market (so to speak), I've seen a wild fluctuation in prices plus the rarity of the cels do make the pricing seem even more arbitrary. Yes they are rare (albeit according to my limited experience). I got so excited when I saw the one at Anime Shop VI that I had to ask and make an offer -- I'd never seen one so nice. Don't ask me, Wendy, who is staying up so late to see if Yann has any Miyazaki cels!!! |
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